Book an appointment

What are you waiting for? Check out all the services offered below.

CBH Services

  • $100

  • $120

  • $150

  • $250

Optional: For photo editing such as sharpness of image, black and white, etc. will be an additional $30


Optional: For photo editing such as sharpness of image, black and white, etc. will be an additional $30 〰️

Payments Accepted: Cash, Electronic Payment of Cash App, Venmo or PayPal (will be provided after confirmation of booking) and Checks.

Please provide a $50 deposit to secure your appointment. Deposit will be used towards service. Clients are allowed to reschedule if needed but if the photographer cannot commit to the new scheduled date, $50 will be refunded.


Please arrive in a timely manner. After 20 minutes of lateness (because life happens) or failure to notify in being late, the shoot will be considered as a “no call, no show” and $50 will be kept.